Franklin, New Jersey

This specimen measures 9cm x 9cm

Rhodonite      MnSiO3

Inosilicates; manganese silicate, often with some calcium

Color and Luster: Brownish red, flesh-red, pink; rarely yellowish or greenish; may tarnish brown or black upon exposure; vitrous; streak colorless

Hardness: 5.5-6

Cleavage: Good, two directions at nearly right angles

Fracture: Conchoidal, uneven

Crystals: Triclinic; rare, blocky, tabular, or square prismatic, crystals usually fine-grained masses, granular, compact, cleavable

Note: Specimen donated by Pablo Cuevas

Photo by Mary Sutherland

Descriptions taken from
The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks and Minerals