Bishop Mine
Campbell County, Virginia

This specimen measures 8cm x 12cm

Turquoise     CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8.4-5(H2O)

Phosphate; hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum; may contain some iron

Color and Luster: Sky-blue, bluish green, apple-green; waxy, dull, streak white, pale green

Hardness: 5-6

Cleavage: None

Fracture: Conchoidal

Crystals: Triclinic; crystals rare; usually compact, reniform, stalactitic, incrusting, thin seams, disseminated

Note: This specimen was donated by the Micromineralogists of the National Capital Area, Inc. from the collection of Ruth Cole Wertz, 1992

Photo by Mary Sutherland

Descriptions taken from
The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks and Minerals