Actinolite (Var. Byssolite)
Fairfax Quarry
Centreville, Virginia

This specimen measures 11cm x 6cm

Actinolite      Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2

Inosilicate; calcium, magnesium, iron silicate, amphibole group

Color and Luster: Bright to dark green, grayish green, black; vitreous, pearly, silky; streak colorless


Cleavage: Perfect, two lengthwise directions form a diamond

Fracture: Splintery, uneven

Crystals: Monoclinic, often long prismatic with diamond shaped cross sections, also bladed, acicular(Var. byssolite), columnar, divergent

Photo by Mary Sutherland

Descriptions taken from
The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks and Minerals