Supplimental Lecture Notes for Geol 398

These notes are being made to you in order to ease the burden of copying everything from the overheads. Most test material will come from the class discussions of these notes. Please use them accordingly.

Lecture 11/03/03
Lecture 11/05/03 Continue Atmosphere Hydrosphere Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere Hadley Cell and Prevailing Wind Directions Field Trip 11/07/03 - Water Quality to Newman Lake Lecture 11/10/03 Finish Water Issue Oceans and Ocean Circulation Lecture 11/12/03 Finish Oceans and Ocean Circulation Air-Sea Interactions and El Niņo El Niņo Exercise Lecture 11/14/03 Biosphere / Ecosphere Ecosystem Ecology Lecture 11/17/03 Terrestrial Biomes Terrestrial Biome Distribution Image Lecture 11/19/03 Aquatic Biomes Lecture 11/20/03 Bak-Sneppen Discussion Lecture 12/01/03 Finish Non-zero Discussion Biogeochemical Cycles: Carbon Carbon Concentration vs. Time Image Reading Assignment 12/01/03 Life Boat Ethics Lecture 12/03/03 Finish Biogeochemical Cycles Population Issues 12/05/03: JMU Closed Due to Snow Lecture 12/06/03: WE WILL HAVE CLASS ON THE MAKE-UP DAY Discuss Life Boat Ethics Paper Human Impact - Acid Deposition, Ozone Depletion,
Tropospheric Ozone, Loss of Biodiversity (Forest Ecosystem Example) Acid Rain Image