Sea-Air Interactions:
El Niņo/Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Background: 1899: A disastrous famine strikes India when
monsoons fail.
- British Director-General of Observatories in India, Sir Gilbert Walker,
sets out to understand phenomenon
- goal to predict monsoons so that famine can be averted
- Walker collected weather records from all over the globe to establish
the correlation of all these records
- Identified connections between weather/climate patterns in remote parts
of the world
- Walker never succeeded in predicting the monsoons (we still can't do
- Walkers discovery of global climate correlations led to identification of
a key part of the El Niņo phenomenon
- During 1920's G.T. Walker noted that:
- When atmospheric pressure unusually high in western equatorial Pacific,
it tended to be unusually low in southeastern tropical Pacific, and
- This opposite relationship, or seesaw, between pressure in eastern and
western tropical Pacific became known as the Southern
Oscillation (SO)
- How It Works: Normal Conditions
- During normal years strong trade winds blow westward from high pressure
over eastern Pacific to low pressure over Indonesia; drag cool water with
them, which warms as it crosses Pacific upwelling in eastern Pacific (off
- nutrients brought to the surface by the cold Peru undercurrent support a
rich concentration of fish
- Fisherman in coastal waters of Peru recognized that an annual influx
of warm water (Peru Counter Current) would temporarily result in reduced
- Fishermen traditionally take some time off to repair their nets, etc
- Usually occurs around Christmas. Thus the name El Niņo (the Child)
- Effects
- Sea surface temperatures normally low in E, high in W
- Sea level higher in W; where there is a thick layer of warm water
- This warm water warms the air, causing convective air uplift over
western Pacific (Australia)
- Results in High rainfall in Western Pacific
- This situation maintained by large pressure difference across southern
tropical Pacific
- How It Works: El Niņo Conditions
- Occasionally, the low pressure cell normally located in the western
Pacific migrates eastward
- High rainfall further East
- Heavy rains and storms affect the central Pacific and droughts begin
in Australia and Indonesia.
- May actually get east-blowing trades
- The warm waters reach the Pacific coast in December. Ocean adjusts by
varying slope of thermocline (line separating warm, surface waters from
cold, deeper waters)
- Slope of thermocline maintained by trade winds
- "Normally" expose cold water offshore Peru
- When trade winds collapse, slope of thermocline reduces, capping cold
waters with warm
- Effects: This causes the El Niņo current to remain in place for months,
or even throughout the year.
- Fisheries suffer during these times since cold nutrient-rich waters
are replaced with warm, nutrient-poor waters
- Every few years it's especially intense, warmer than usual, penetrates
further south, accompanied by heavy rains
- Severe "El Niņo Events" cause mass mortalities, reduced oxygen
content of water
- 1972-1973, reduced Peruvian anchovy catch from 10.3 Million tons to
4.6 million tons; this used for animal feed; raised poultry prices
around the world (US more than 40%).
- One of worst events on record in 1982
- Other parts of Peru receive unusual amounts of rain, even in normally
arid regions
- Those years became known as "Aņos de Abundancia" -- (years of
- Crops can be grown and animals grazed in regions usually
inhospitable to agriculture.
- Down-side to these years is that floods often accompany the unusual
- Torrential rains along west coast of North & South America
- Drought and fires in Australia
- These years became known as El Niņo years - years in which the warm El
Niņo current persisted
- The term El Niņo was thus originally used to refer to the seasonal warm
current that came to coastal Peru every year.
- Today we reserve this term for more unusual warming of eastern tropical
Pacific waters that persist through much or all of the year.
- Phenomena has an average oscillation period of 3 years (2 - 10 year range)
- El Niņo usually ends 12 to 18 months after it starts.
- La Niņa seems to be associated with weather phenomenon opposite to that of
El Niņo
- For example Indian Ocean monsoons are dryer than usual in El Niņo years
and wetter than usual in a Niņa years.
- Recent El Niņo episodes
- 1977-1978, 1982-83, 1986-87, 1991-92, 1993-94 Mississippi floods),
1994-1996 (some consider 1990-1996 the longest single El Niņo)
- 1982-1983: the worst El Niņo of the century
- Encephalitis along the east coast (mosquitoes)
- Bubonic plague in New Mexico (fleas)
- Shark attacks off Oregon (warm water)
- Drought in Spain & N. Africa
- Changing frequency of El Niņos
- During the Little Ice Age
- This century
- Past 20 years
- Why?