Research Projects By Former Students
And Research Project Available For the Future
Listed By Faculty Supervisor
     Below is a list of prospective student research projects available in the Department of Geology and Environmental Studies, listed by faculty. Projects done by former students are also sometimes shown to give some guidence in identifying a research problem.
     The list is not exhaustive, and is meant to give viewers an idea of the kinds of projects that are possible, and the interestes of faculty in the department. If you find projects that are in a discipline that interests you then go talk about furture projects with that professor. Many times students are able to come up with research ideas of their own, and just need to find the right advisor, or by brainstorming a student and faculty member may be able to define a research project different from those listed here.

             Amenta, Roddy
             Baedke, Steve
             Eaton, Scott
             Fichter, Lynn
             Kearns, Lance
   Robinson, Gene
   Sherwood, Cullen
   Thompson, Amy
   Ulanski, Stan

Dr. Roddy Amenta
Available Research Projects
Previous Student Research Projects

Dr. Steve Baedke
Available Research Projects
Previous Student Research Projects

Dr. Scott Eaton
Available Research Projects
Previous Student Research Projects

Dr. Lynn Fichter
Available Research Projects
   A list of available projects can be found on Dr. Fichter's personal page.
Previous Student Research Projects
   Statts, Mathew, 2000, Parasequences in the Foreknobs Formation in Briary Gap Section, Pendleton Co, West Virginia
   Sneideman, Josh, 1999, Armandisaurus explorator and its ability to resolve theories of character transformation at the base of the monophyletic family Iguanidae (JMU Honors Thesis)
   Bauman, Brent, 1999, The Feasability of a Testable Gaia Hypothesis (JMU Honors Thesis)
   McMahon, Aaron, 1988, Changes in fluvial accommodation at the base of the Hampshire formation in western Virginia and eastern West Virginia.
   Dickerson, Jay, 1998, A Historical Account of Changing Scientific Perspectives Concerning the Origin of the Tetrapod (Library Research)
   Durst, Kelly, 1998, The History of Mars (Library Research)
   Holt, Stephen, 1997, A Pre-Paradigm of Consciousness: The Beginnings of a Science of the Mind: (JMU Honors Thesis:Co-Chair)
   Brian Rusk, 1996, The Oswego Interval at Massanutten Mountain
   Stracy Gibson, 1996, (joint supervision with Greg Springer) - Paleoecology of the Reedsville Formation, Germany Valley, Pendleton County, West Virginia
   Krista Orr, 1996, Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Analysis and Comparison of the Foreknobs, Hampshire and Massanutten Formations.
   Miller, Tanya, 1993 , The Lithology Below the Oswego at Brocks Gap is Reedsville
   Norman, Jannette, 1992, Depositional Environment of Late Stage Juniata Formation in West Virginia
   Miller, Daniel, 1990, Depositional Systems in the Oswego Formation (Ordovician) at Brocks Gap, Pendleton Co., West Virginia. (JMU Honors Thesis)

Dr. Lance Kearns
Available Research Projects
Previous Student Research Projects

Dr. Gene Robinson
Available Research Projects
Previous Student Research Projects

Dr. Cullen Sherwood
Available Research Projects
Previous Student Research Projects

Dr. Amy Thompson
Available Research Projects
   Geochemistry of recent soils developed on felsic igneous rocks and their reltionship to climate (library research)
   Geochemistry and paleoclimate of paleosols developed on felsic igneous rocks (library research)
Previous Student Research Projects
   Joint systems at Natural Bridge National Monument, Rodney Whittaker (in progress)

Dr. Stan Ulanski
Available Research Projects
Previous Student Research Projects

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