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The list below are the identifications for the study tray of igneous rocks in the lab. If you have problems with any of the specimens see me or one of the assistants; some of the descriptions may not be completely accurate, so if what you get does not agree with this key let Fichter know. I will make my own analysis and change this key as necessary.Also, the header at the top of this page links to the igneous rock web site where you can look up descriptions/images of specific rocks, the eight rock forming minerals. etc. 1. Anorthosite: nearly 100% plagioclase 2. Andesite Porphyry: phenocrysts of Na plagioclase 3. Diorite: 60% plagioclase, 25% amphibole, 13% biotite, 2% qtz 4. Scoria 5. Rhyolite: 80% orthoclase, 18% biotite + qtz, 2% (trace amounts) of plagioclase 6. GranoDiorite: 65% qtz (pink and white), 20% biotite, 15% plagioclase 7. Vesicular Basalt 8. Basalt: 50% pyroxene, 40% Ca palgioclase, 10% olivine 9. GranoDiorite: 45% qtz, 20% biotite, 20% amphibole, 15% Na plagioclase 10. Gabbro: 70% pyroxene (blocky), 20% Ca plagioclase (iridescent), 10% qtz + biotite + Na plagioclase 11. GranoDiorite: 50% qtz, 20% Na plagioclase, 20% biotite, 10% amphibole 12. GranoDiorite: 45% qtz, 25% biotite, 20% plagioclase, 10% amphibole 13. AlkaliGranite: 50% orthoclase, 25% qtz, 16% plagioclase, 9% mafics 14. GranoDiorite: 45% qtz, 25% biotite, 20% plagioclase, 10% amphibole 15. Andesite Porphyry: 70% groundmass (aphanitic; too fined grained to see crystals), 25% phenocrysts of amphibole, some blocky, others elongate crystals. 16. AlkaliGranite 17. GranoDiorite: 65% multicolored qtz, 15% biotite, 15% muscovite, 5% plagioclase 18. Quartz Diorite: 40% amphibole, 35% biotite, 15% qtz, 10% Na plagioclase 19. Rhyolite Porphyry: 35% orthoclase, 30% qtz, 15% orthoclase phenocrysts, 10% plagioclase, 10% amphibole 20. Scoria 21. Diorite: 45% amphibole, 40% Na plagioclase, 10% biotite, 5% Ca plagioclase 22. Felsite Porphyry: 40% orthoclase, 25% qtz, 25% Na plagioclase, 10% phenocrysts of smoky qtz, biotite, amphibole, and pyroxene 23. PlagioGranite: 70% qtz, 20% Na plagioclase (iridescent), 10% amphibole + trace amounts of biotite 24. Dunite: 90% olivine, 10% amphibole + biotite + pyroxene 25. Gabbro: 40% Ca plagioclase, 20% Na plagioclase, 20% olivine, 20% pyroxene + biotite 26. Anorthosite: 95% plagioclase, 5% pyroxene + biotite 27. Gabbro: 60% plagioclase, 20% pyroxene, 15% amphibole, 5% olivine 28. Rhyolitic Tuft 29. GranoDiorite: 50% qtz, 20% plagioclase, 15% biotite, 15% amphibole 30. Gabbro: 55% plagioclase, 40% olivine, 10% pyroxene, 5% qtz 31. PlagioGranite: 45% qtz, 45% Na plagioclase, 10% amphibole + biotite 32. GranoDiorite: 70% qtz, 15% biotite, 15% Na plagioclase 33. GranoDiorite: 50% qtz, 30% Na plagioclase, 20% amphibole + biotite 34. Pumice 35. Andesite Porphyry: 70% groundmass (aphanitic; too fined grained to see crystals), 25% phenocrysts of amphibole, some blocky, others elongate crystals. 36. Rhyolitic Porphyry |
Last Update: 01/05/01 | e-mail: (Fichtels@jmu.edu) |