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Typical Minerals PLAGIOCLASE - 50-100%Orthoclase - 10-35% Mafics - < 10% Quartz - 5-20% | Description
This light colored rock might almost be confused for a granite, but it has less than 20% quartz, removing it from that classification. Even in this view pink orthoclase can be seen, but the most common mineral is plagioclase (which with quartz <20%) makes it a monzonite. Mafics are clearly rare.
Tectonic Association
Monzonite is not a common rock, but is typically found around the edges of other felsic plutons, such as plagiogranites or granodiorites. That is, it is typical of continents.![]() |
Last Update: 9/29/00 | e-mail: (Fichtels@jmu.edu) |