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Chlorite Schist    -   Other specific examples: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4
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     Slaty cleavage foliation composed of chlorite crystals. In this specimen the chlorite crystals are large and distinct enough to be easily seen. Also, the sheen off their surfaces is clearly evident.
     Another name for this rock is a chlorite schist, and is applied when the crystals are large and distinct. Unlike other schists, however, where either biotite or muscovite are prominent, in this specimen chlorite is the main mineral. Other minerals are likely present but hard to identify in hand specimen.
Tectonic Association
     Schists are typically associated with major mountain building events when shales or clay rich sandstones (wackes) are metamorphosed through depth of burial, and proximity to batholiths (click picture for larger version).
     The precursor to this rock is a slate, and if metamorphosed more becomes a schist.
Type of Metamorphism

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