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Hornblend schist    -   Other specific examples: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4
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   var. hornblend
In red if present

     Amphiboles often elongage producing schistose texture, although they may be randomly oriented also.
     Lineated schistose foliation produced by the lining up of elongate amphibole (var. hornblend) crystals; seen trending left and right in this image. Other minerals such as quartz and feldspar are completely intermixed among the amphibole.
      The dark, shiny appearance of this rock is typical, although it may range to lighter colors too.
     It might be possible to confuse this with an mafic igneous rock, since many of the minerals are the same, but the presence of foliation will identify it as igneous.
Tectonic Association
     Amphibolite is associated with major mountain building events when mafic igneous rocks (basalts or gabbros) are metamorphosed through depth of burial, and proximity to batholiths (click picture for larger version).
Type of Metamorphism
     Amphibolites are part of a metamorphic sequence that begins with magic igneous rocks and progresses through greenschist, to amphibolite, to granulite.

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