Click above image to go to Virginia geologic history web site
Below are a series of files about the geologic history of Virginia not available at the web site above. These are written documents or illustrations created after the web site, or up dated from the versions on the web site.
Three Virginia Geologic Stories - a Power Point lecture
Brief Geologic History Of Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic Region - 12 page pdf document summarizing the stages in the geologic history.
Tectonic Cross Sections to accompany the written history.
Thumbnail History of the Mid-Atlantic 8.5 x 11 pdf

Regional Maps and Cross Sections - 8 page pdf of maps and cross sections from the poster shown below.
Geologic History by Physiographic Provinces - pdf 8.5 x x11

History by Physiographic Province - pdf files
Allegheny Plateau
Valley and Ridge
Blue Ridge
Coastal Plain
Poster: Geologic Evolution of Virginia
- the original is a 36 inch by 55 inch poster. If you wish a copy cost is $10.00 to print and ship it to you. Contact Lynn Fichter if interested.
- an 18 x 28 pdf version that can be downloaded
- an 11 x 17 pdf version that can be downloaded. The fine text on this version is unreadable at this size.
