Transfer of Files

From: Lynn S. Fichter

Department of Geology and Environmental Science
James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807 MSC 6903

Field Guides

Below are links to several field guides for northwestern Virginia and eastern West Virginia. These guides go back to the late 1970's. The older ones are dated in their tectonic and basin analysis interpretations (notice one is still using geosynclinal theory), but since I still occasionally get requests for them I have scanned them and placed them here for easy access. Some of the theoretical ideas are definitely long out of date, but the stops are still available, and the descriptions to these sites may be useful.

In the past decade or so I have co-authored with a variety of people several additional field guides that are more theoretically sophisticated. If you have questions about any of these feel free to write me.

Virginia Geologic History Documents

These are in addition to the web site dedicated to the Geology of Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic region.

The Geologic Evolution of Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic Region

Field Guides

Fossil hunting at Green Mount Church - A fossil hunting within a few miles of Harrisonburg, Virginia in the Martinsburg formation (Ordovician). The link is to a pdf giving directions and illustrations of some of the common fossils found there. The locality is in the road ditch, and in late summer is covered with vegetation, making fossil hunting difficult. I have not been back to this locality in a couple of years and do not know its present state.

Sedimentary Paleoenvironments and the Paleozoic Evolution of the Appalachian Geosyncline in the northern Shenandoah Valley, Lynn S. Fichter and David J. Poche, 1979, in Exline, Joseph D., Guidebook for Fieldtrips in Virginia, Division of Sciences and Elementary Administration in cooperation with the National Association of Geology Teachers - Eastern Section (Note: this field guide was published on brown paper and I have never been able to get a good copy of it)

The Taconic Sequence in the northern Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, Lynn S. Fichter and Richard J. Diecchio,, 1986, Geological Society of America Centennial Field Guide - Southeastern Section.

The Catskill clastic wedge (Adadian Orogeny) in eastern West Virginia, Lynn S. Fichter and Richard J. Diecchio,, 1986, Geological Society of America Centennial Field Guide - Southeastern Section.

Evidence for the progressive closure of the proto-Atlantic ocean in the Valley and Ridge Province of Northern Virginia and Eastern West Virginia, Lynn S. Fichter and Richard J. Diecchio, 1993, National Association of Geology Teachers, Spring 1993 Meeting.

Stratigraphy, structure and tectonics: An east-to-west transect of the Blue Ridge and Valley and Ridge provinces of northern Virginia and West Virginia, Lynn S, Fichter, S.J. Whitmeyer, C.M. Bailey and W. Burton, Geological Society of America, Field Guide 16,The Mid-Atlantic Shore to the Appalachian Highlands: Fleeger, Gary M. and Steven J Whitmeyer, Field Trip Guidebook for the 2010 Joint Meeting of the Northeastern and Southeastern GSA Sections.

Geology of Page Valley: Stratigraphy, Structure, and Landscape Evolution, 42 Annual Virginia Geological Field Conference, September 28-29, 2012, Whitmeyer, Fichter, Diecchio, Heller, Eaton, Cross, Coiner, Biggs, Patterson.

Integrating Stratigraphy, Structure, and Tectonics on the Outcrop, Fichter, L.S., Eric Pyle, and Steve Whitmeyer, NAGT^ Field Trip, Spring, 2014 Meeting, James Madison Univeristy.

Tectonics, Stratigraphy and the Ordovician Taconic Orogeny in Northwestern Virginia, Fichter, L.S.; August, 2017. Field Guide examining the Taconic Orogeny in Page and Shenandoah Valleys. 4 stops.